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Friday, March 27, 2020

Funny Jokes In English | Jokes For Fun

Funny Jokes In English | Jokes For Fun

😉😒Mood off...! Don,t worry. We are here to change your mood with lots of  funny jokes.  Here is a collection of thousands of funny jokes which can change your mood and you never forget to revisit the site. So lets have fun .....☺😍

Jokes In Hindi, Jokes In Hinglish, Jokes In Urdu
Very Funny English Jokes


Villager (to a Policeman on phone): A donkey has died in the township.
Police: Why are you telling us, don't wash and bury.
Villager: I thought I should inform his relatives first.

Big Matter

An idiot (to another): One time I was on a bus that suddenly fell. And the truck passed over me but I was alive.
The second idiot: That’s a thing too! So many big airplanes flying above me daily, but nothing happens to me.

Very Sure Of..!

One time someone asked me how old you are?
I replied '23 years'
Expressing surprise at this, he said, 'This is the same age you mentioned two years ago.'
I replied, 'Yes! I am very sure of the point, what I will say today, will not go away even ten years later. ”


A stingy man was bowing down in sadness and sorrow. One of his friends asked, "What the hell? Why are you so sad? "
Stingy: Earlier, it was 500 rupees and now it is 400 rupees.
Friend: Then you should be happy. 100 rupees will be saved on 1kg.
Stingy said . . .
"That's the matter. Earlier, I used to save Rs 500 by not buying but now only 400 rupees will be saved.

Enjoying Luxurious…!

                   One time a stingy boss was in the car with his driver. Suddenly boss ordered - "Stop the car and pick up the peanuts from the front road." The driver brought the peanuts. Boss broke the peanuts and then came out two seeds. Boss ate one of them himself and the other gave to the driver and said . . .
                      "If you stay with me, you will enjoy the luxurious ..."

The Referee's Answer

There was a great competition for wrestling between the two wrestlers. Suddenly the referee yelled - "Stop the leg twitch ...!"
'' No...! Today I will break it and kill it. ”The wrestler exclaimed angrily.
'' Fool...! This is your own leg. ” The referee replied.

The Most Dormant

Some friends were sitting and talking. A man passed by.
He said...
"Tell me which of you is the most dormant? I want to reward him. "
All raised their hands but a friend remained silent. The man said that you seem to be the Idler. Take your reward of Rs 500. "
"Please put it in my pocket," he replied obtusely.

Medicine to Become Young

Doctor (to an old man): "I'll give you a medicine that will make you rejuvenate."
Old Man: "Doctor, No! No! Who will pay me the pension if I am young? "

Benefit of Similar Face

One madman was laughing out loud. People asked why he was laughing like....
He said ... "My twin brother and me have the similar face. Whenever he used to harass and manipulate people, they would take revenge on me in his deception. But today, when I die, people buried my brother and come back. "

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